Take action and help bring same-day voter registration to New Jersey!
Contact your Legislator
Take action today and tell Senate President Scutari, Assembly Speaker Coughlin and your elected official to schedule the A925/S1193 for a committee hearing.
What You can do
to take action
Join The Campaign Team
The Democracy in a Day Coalition is calling on NJ lawmakers to pass legislation (A925/S1193) for Same-Day Voter Registration!
We're counting on activists like you to join us and use your power to organize for protecting access to the ballot. Together, we can strengthen democracy make Same-Day Voter Registration a reality in NJ.
Download Campaign Resources
Share Your Story
If you’ve ever missed the voter registration deadline, tell us your story. Maybe you changed dorms before an election and found yourself unable to update your registration info in time to cast your vote? Or maybe you had to move and couldn't register to vote at your new location? Whatever your #DemocracyInADay story is, we want to know why Same-Day Voter Registration is important to you and how it could have helped you cast a ballot in the past.

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